Jordanhill in Old Maps

1654 - 1905




Extracts from early maps showing the name “Jordanhill”


Note that no scales are quoted for these maps for two reasons.     Firstly the extracts are enlarged from

the originals and secondly, the size of the map on the computer screen depends on the size of the monitor.

In all cases north is at the top, (although in the first map it is diagonally towards to top right corner.)


Due to their size and complexity the maps may take a little time to load

particularly if you do not have broadband




Blaeu redone @50


Johan Blaeu 1654

This is the earliest known map (an “Atlas Novus”) which shows Jordanhill

North is diagonally up towards the top right corner.

This extract is from Blaeu’s map entitled “Levinia Vice Comitatus – The Province of Lennox

called the Shire of  Dun Britton”.   

A note at the lower edge of the map states “Compiled from survey by Timothy Pont”

The map area to the right of the pink line is titled “Glottianae Pars – Part of Cliddisdale

Note that Jordanhill is depicted as a small red tower whereas other named mansion houses

are shown as little red houses.

Blawathill (sic) is shown a bit out of place and should be further to the left of Jordanhill.

Note the odd spellings of “Partnick”, “Yockyrr”, Milgay” etc.





Regality redone @50


Regality Club 1773

This extract is from a map titled “Reproduced for the Regality Club with additions”

Oddly the name “Jordanhill” is rather far away from the little house to which it refers.

This map conveniently demonstrates the importance of shire boundaries, and the wiggly line

to the right of Jordanhill House is the County Boundary following the Whiteinch Burn.

The letters “ST” at the top left are from the word “Stirlingshire” and since this is basically

a map of Glasgow, there is virtually no detail to the left of the wiggly line.

The Parish of Govan is shown to the right of the wiggly line.

The area below the line in the very bottom left corner is in Renfrewshire.

The canal is shown, having been completed from Bowling to Kirkintilloch by 1773






Richardson 1795 @72


Extract from Thomas Richardson’s map dated 1795.

The full map covers an area from Paisley in the west to Bothwell in the east and was dedicated

to Andrew Houston of Jordanhill, who was Richardson’s patron.

Many of the large estates not only show its name but also the name of the landowner, and in the case of Jordanhill,

“A Houston Esq” can be seen below the detail of the house and gardens.

Muttonhole, to the left (west) of Jordanhill, is now known as Scotstounhill.

H (for High) Balshagrie can be seen below and right (to the south) of Jordanhill

Note there are two Hillheads, which must have caused confusion.    The Hillhead to the left (north west)

 of Jordanhill  was later the site of the original Jordanhill Church (known firstly as Hillhead Free Church). 

The Hillhead in the bottom left corner is the Hillhead area of Glasgow as we know it today.

The road to the left (west) of Anniesland Toll is now Anniesland Road.  Great Western Road is a much later route.

Other current names can be seen, Scotstoun, Braehead, Knightswood and Temple etc.







Ainslie 1796 @72


John Ainslie 1796

This map is dedicated to the Lord Lieutenant of the County of Renfrew.

Since this map is about Renfrewshire, there is very little detail to the right of the county boundary.

The boundary is the Whiteinch Burn which runs from Anniesland Toll southwards (down the map)

until it reaches the word “Newton” and then becomes a wiggly line making its way to Whiteinch.

Again, A Houston Esq. is shown beside the name Jordanhill.

Muttonhole School is on the north side of Anniesland Road (near where Southbrae Drive now joins it)

Southbrae” is shown below (southwest of) Jordanhill but it does not appear on any other maps.







OS 1895 @72


Ordnance Survey 1895 (partially revised in 1905 to show railways)

Many of the details familiar to us today are now featured:-

the railways, Scotstoun Station, the Lunatic Asylum, Victoria Park, Whiteinch housing, Broomhill,

Great Western Road (east of Anniesland Toll only), Knightswood Rows, etc.

Note the railway line which runs from Jordanhill Station area towards Whiteinch.  This was a

goods line and it can be seen that Crow Road is carried over the line by a bridge.  More details about

the railways around Jordanhill will be found on another web page.



General notes on Ordnance Survey Maps


The popular 1¼ inch to 1 mile maps currently published by the Ordnance Survey are readily available in shops, and some sports outlets also sell the Pathfinder Series to the larger 2½ inches to 1 mile scale.     It is also possible to obtain even larger scale maps which are required for legal and administrative purposes, such the preparation of planning applications, and these large maps are generally 1/2500 scale.(about 25 inches to 1 mile).


The OS map shown above for 1895 is to a scale of 6 inches to 1 mile and shows a lot of detail compared with earlier maps.  However for detailed historical research covering the last 150 years, when most of the major changes occurred, it is convenient to use 1/2500 scale maps which give a “snapshot of the area frozen in time”..


In 1859 the Ordnance Survey published the First Edition of these extremely detailed 1/2500 series of maps plotted to a scale of 25.344 inches to a statute mile, which is 208.33 feet represented by one inch.   They show every field boundary, county boundary, house, burn and road etc.    Each field and individual plot of land is given a reference number and its area in acres.   This first edition series was also referred to as the “County Series” because they were printed in parts according to the county in which a particular area was located so to obtain a complete map of Jordanhill requires extracts from Lanarkshire and Renfrewshire maps.      The maps were printed on thick paper measuring 41 inches by 19 inches (1.04m by 0.74m).


The Second Edition was published in 1895, the Third Edition in 1913 and thereafter in 1932, 1948, 1964 and at intervals right up to the present day.


In 1980, I obtained a full set of the 1859, 1895, 1913, 1932, 1948 and 1964 maps  to cover Jordanhill and these are invaluable in tracing changes and developments over the years.     Many of the webpages on this website contain extracts from these old maps with the field numbers, spot levels and other extraneous details removed.



Aerial Survey Maps


To close this webpage on old maps, the next  map is just over 30 years old and could be more accurately described as a plan due to the large scale.     It is drawn to a scale of 1/500 (1 ft to 500 ft or 1m represents 500m) which is commonly used for detailed road design by civil engineers.      The chosen area of land is photographed from the air using sophisticated stereoscopic cameras, the photographs are then interpreted by specialists using complex equipment and most details are plotted on a stable transparent medium.     A ground survey team then checks these initial drawings and fills in any gaps.     This small extract was produced by BKS Surveys Ltd in 1972 in connection with the Crow Road Improvement Scheme, it covers the short length of Crow Road between the bridges at Southbrae Drive and shows the former old lodge between the bridges.     Note the small details, LP for lamp pole, G gulley, RS road sign, MH manhole,  RW retaining wall, GSV gas stop valve and so on.  The contours are plotted at 0.5 metre intervals.

Anniesland Cross is to the right,  Southbrae Drive is at the top right and the present row of shops including Pablo’s is on the bottom edge.     The broken lines across Crow Road at No 508 represent a long-gone pedestrian crossing.


1.500 Crow Rd map


The OS map for 1859






Revused 8 May 2005


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